Historic Florissant To Hold Birthday Party/Picnic Aug. 1

Historic Florissant will host a picnic and birthday party on Sundy, Aug. 1 at its historic home at 1067 Dunn Road. The Franz Gittemeier house, built in 1860, is turning 150 this year! Most people are familiar with the sturdy brick house that sits high above the gas station at Dunn and Florissant Roads. Few, however, may know how close to demolition the house was just twenty years ago.

When the house was sold to Shell Oil in 1990, it was scheduled to be demolished as part of the expansion of their new station and car wash. When local preservationists and the general public voiced their objections, Shell began working on a plan with the City of Florissant and Historic Florissant, Inc. to find a way to satisfy all those concerned. An agreement was made in the summer of 1991.

The house and four-tenths of an acre were donated to Historic Florissant by Shell Oil Company, with the provision that Historic Florissant would completely restore the exterior of the house within one year. All the deadlines were met, and the house became HFI’s Resource Room, Archives, offices and Book Shop.

Kevin Autin, a representative from the Shell Oil Company in Houston, Texas, will visit the Gittemeier House and Historic Florissant on Sunday, Aug. 1. A new plaque will be unveiled at noon in a brief ceremony followed by a picnic on the lawn. Tours of the house will be available that afternoon until 3 p.m. Ample parking will be available on the parking lot next door at 1025 Dunn Road, courtesy of Vantage Credit Union.

Those planning to attend should RSVP to Historic Florissant  by calling 314-921-7055 or e-mailing historicflo@aol.com.

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