Black Jack Offers Reward for Apprehension Of Vandals Caught Damaging Property

In an effort to be proactive in these times of neglect and consideration for public property, the City Council of the City of Black Jack authorized the payment of a reward of $250.00 for the arrest and conviction of anyone found guilty of damaging public property.

The reward covers those convicted of removing or damaging any traffic and street signs, and damaging or vandalizing City of Black Jack property, including streets, sidewalks, vehicles and buildings. The reward will be paid to the first person who reports the individual or individuals that are subsequently convicted of the offense.

“The City Official and I, have worked tirelessly to keep the City of Black Jack the finest community to live in within the North County area,” Mayor Norm McCourt stated. “In the City of Black Jack vandalism of City property will not be tolerated and violators will be prosecuted. We hope that residents will assist us in the effort by keeping an eye out for suspicious activity within the neighborhoods and will report it to the Police immediately. Working together, we can continue to keep the City a great place to live.”


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