Hope Cards Have Seen The Last of “Bad Days”

By Randy Gardner

Everywhere I go these days people seem to say how bad the Cards are, are they really that bad or are they just having a rough spell? When the Cards came out on top early everyone was praising them, but as you know that every  team will have their “bad days. ”

Perhaps the Cards are just having bad days piled upon each other.

It seems like every break goes the other teams way. This will change throughout the season though and hopefully when it counts like last year near the end, the breaks start going their way. It’s a long season, so relax and sit back and enjoy the summer nights.

Money Talk to Fix The Dome is Souring

So many opinions on the St. Louis Rams and their future here in St. Louis. So many people are getting an even more sour taste in their mouths after the back and forth dealings with the proposed amount of money to build or should I say fix the stadium. What are your thoughts?

Like I said a few weeks ago, winning will solve everything. The team should put off negotiations till after this season. If Jeff Fisher can get this team into the playoffs and create a bit of a buzz around town, they might be able to get a little more support from the St. Louis community. We will see, training camp is not far off.

Kurt Busch Just Won’t Learn

I don’t know how many of you are NASCAR fans but if you are you’ll understand what I am talking about when I say that Kurt Busch has put his foot in his mouth once again. After being let go by other race teams and having sponsors walk away, Kurt really was given another chance this year. After being put on probation earlier this year, he threatened a reporter last weekend and was suspended from this weeks race and put on probation the rest of the year. When will people learn in this world. You can only be given so many chances in this world before something can be taken away. This is so true in so many ways, whether it is in a situation like this or in your personal life.

I see so many people just squander away a relationship because they are unwilling to see the others point of view. Life is short and when you find someone who loves you or you love them, cherish what you have and fight for it with your life. This goes for the love of a husband or wife, your kids, your parents, whatever you love, fight for it.

Don’t take it for granted. In a round about way this goes back to the Rams situation.

Cherish what we have because if we lose another NFL franchise in St. Louis, it will be along time before we get another team, maybe never. We will all have to become Kansas City Chiefs fans.


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