Hazelwood Starts Advisory Group To Deal With Recent School Issues

During a school board meeting held last week, about 60 people, most of them students at Hazelwood Central High School, presented concerns to the Board of Education and administration.

The major concerns included: technology, textbooks and materials, middle school starting and ending times, district transportation, and safety at Hazelwood Central High School,” “We want to work with our community to identify and solve problems in every area, siad Supt. Chris Wright. “To that end, we are forming advisory groups to address each of the major concerns expressed at the meeting. In addition, based on recent events, we are forming an advisory group to review safety at Hazelwood West High School.”

Hazelwood West was forced to shut down one day last week after a threat was written on the sidewalk at the school entrance.

“We sincerely appreciate our students, parents and patrons for attending the board meeting and expressing their concerns,” said Wright. “We are taking the concerns seriously and will work with everyone to address them as quickly as possible.”

Wright said she has met with her administrative team several times last week to develop a plan to deal with issues.

Each person who spoke at the board meeting will receive an invitation from the district to join an advisory group, which will convene within the next two weeks. Others in the community wanting to serve on an advisory group should contact Diana Gulotta, assistant to the superintendent for communication, at 314-953-5045 or dgulotta@hazelwoodschools.org

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