Sad Times Continue For Rams, But Was Happy For Kurt Warner


Chalk another weekend of bad football up to the Rams. Well, I can’t say it was terrible, there were a few bright spots that included the punter who has an average that has not been better since 1942 and Fakir Brown who played pretty well in his first game back after his suspension.

As a whole, Scott Linehan took over the play calling this week and put Offensive Coordinator Greg Olsen up in the booth, I thought he did pretty well in the first half and then he got conservative during he second half.

Running Back Brian Leonard came out of the gates on fire then kind of leveled off with just over a 100 yards. He will be okay but he is no Steven Jackson. QB, Gus Ferrotte, I thought played pretty well except for a few really bad
throws that cost the team the game in the end, but you cant put all of the blame on him.

I think we will see Marc Bulger this weekend no matter how bad those ribs hurt. Okay, for me the worst player of the game award goes to Richie Incognito, this guy is out of control, he reminds me a lot of Kyle Turley, playing on the edge all of the time. I think he had 74 penalties just on him, okay maybe I am exaggerating but he had multiple penalties against him including personal foul late hit penalties that killed the Rams.

These penalties are just stupid as a player and need to be curtailed quickly. The Rams could be 0-6,0-7, or 0-8 really easy. I tried to explain as much as I could because unless you were at the game all you saw were the highlights, what a joke for the state of football in St. Louis right now. I never thought that we would ever see a blacked out game in St. Louis, or should I say never not see a blacked out game as we didn’t last weekend. Two fold here for St. Louis. We need the fan support but also the NFL has to realize what this does to the game overall when you cant even see it in your hometown.

Kurt Warner Again Shows Class———-
On to Kurt Warner and the Cardinals, believe it or not, I was really happy for Kurt in this one. Let’s face it; he took a rough ride out of town when he left from the Rams. I know that his wife Brenda played a big role in his departure and in his departure from New York but this guy was the face of St. Louis for several years and he will be the one that we tell our kids and grandkids about.

After the game I had a chance to talk with him again and what a classy guy. At the end of the game, he got the game ball for winning and would always come over to the first row and give Brenda the ball and give her a kiss, but after the game he didn’t do it.

She was waving crazily for him to come over, buthe motioned her off several times and went into the locker room. We asked him about that and he said that he has to much respect for the fans and the organization to do that in their building after a Rams loss. He didn’t want it to look like he was showing the team up and he didn’t want the fans to think that either so he didn’t do it, all I can say is CLASSY, that’s what sportsmanship is all about.

Although, he might still be sleeping on the couch right now, but I think its probably a pretty nice couch, so its probably worth the aggravation.

Don’t forget, the women’s world Cup team will be here in St. Louis at the Edward Jones dome on Saturday. Oct.13. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the World Cup team her in St. Louis. It’s the first soccer game at the Dome also. It should be a lot of fun.

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