McKay Loses to Pagano; Behlmann, Whitlock, Schroeder, Ebert Winners

Jackie (Bond) Pagano

Four-term Florissant City Councilwoman Karen McKay was the lone incumbent in the area to lose in her bid  for reelection in the city’s ninth ward seat.  Jackie (Bond) Pagano was the winner in the race by a 322-252 count.  Councilmen Ben Hernandez retained his seat in a close race (357-342) against Mike Bober.

McKay was thankful for her 12 years on the council and the many people she met serving the city.  “I met so many wonderful people by just being on the city council. I’ll especially miss the close contact with the city employees.”

She said Florissant has a “very good council and she respects them and the office of the mayor.”

In the city charter changes on ballot in Florissant, all three propositions won easily, but the annexation (Proposition A) of an area on the northeast border of the city failed, because it didn’t get the needed majority in the area to be annexed. It failed by a 168 “no” vote to 59 “yes” The proposition got a much more favorable majority within the current city limits. (2,372 to 977)

The proposed annexation area was bounded by Lindbergh on the north, Old Halls Ferry on the east and Coldwater Creek on the south and west.

Ben Hernandez

In other area races, both Hazelwood School Board  incumbents Mark Behlmann and Desiree Whitlock won reelection easily with Whitlock getting 39% of the vote, Behlmann 38% and challenger Keith Boykin Sr. got 22.5% as  only two seats were available.

In Ferguson-Florissant, the winners were incumbent Paul Schroeder (35%) and Brian Ebert (38%) for the two contested seats. Barbara Morris gathered 27%, not enough to earn a board seat.

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