Random Thoughts on Championship Game, NFL, Cards New Season

By Randy Gardner  

I will be honest, I did not watch any of the National Championship Basketball Game, I peeked in at the first quarter and Kansas  was getting hammed and I knew I was pretty much over, and  it was. From the sounds of it,  the game seemed to not live up to the hype.  What a nightmare for a TV Network and its advertisers when people tune out because it looks like a  blowout.

NFL Bounty Hunt

Have you been following this bounty stuff in the NFL, coaches being suspended left and right?

Who would have ever thought that Sean Payton, the coach of the Saints would have been a guy that got the axe for a year. He just seems so mild mannered on the sidelines.

Several other coaches got the slip also including a newly hired Rams coach who is suspended indefinitely. Do you agree with all of this. When you take a step back and look at the situation, I do feel that it is wrong to say to a team or a player that, if you hurt this guy you will get an extra amount of money but isn’t this what the sport is all about.

Players who hit hard and make plays make more money, that is the nature of the game, so what is the difference if the player is told to do it or not? Is it that it is a specific call out of a player? Players including me who only played soccer at a high level was told to always go in hard, when you go in half way, you are the one to get hurt. Times that by 100 in football, where this is their livelihood.

There is a fine line that is in focus here. I think that everyday, in every locker room across the country, coaches are telling their players, knock the opposition out—it’s either them or you. What is the difference? You can not tell a player to only hit someone as hard as you need to to knock them down, that doesn’t work in the NFL. I think that in the long run, every coach on every team would be suspended at some time.

Cards Will Bring Summer Fun

I am really looking forward to Cards baseball starting back up Wednesday (after we went to press) . Those hot summer nights watching the game with the family while you barbecue— what can be better than that. I’ve talked  about the town not even missing Albert Pujols, I would have to even solidify that more as so many players seem to be  stepping up to fill his role. How cool would it be to see the Cards win 12 in ’12, and have Pujols on the sidelines looking in. I have seen him in a couple of National commercials and it just seems weird to see him in that Angels uniform. Yes it’s red and white but without the birds on the bat, it just isn’t the same.

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