With Mizzou and Blues Hype, We Can Wait For Boys of Summer For Now

By Randy Gardner

Happy summer to everyone as it seems like we just skipped right over Spring. The Cardinals could have just stayed here in St. Louis for Spring training this year. That would be pretty cool. Just like when the Rams have their training camp open to the public.

This would give fans the access to the players that they would love to see close up.  I guess though that the travel schedules on a daily basic and mini sqaud games would be a bit tough. Even though Albert Pujols is not on our radar screen, I still keep an eye for him on the line score of all of the games. Just a few days in and it doesn’t seem like he is doing that well,

I think that eases the minds of some of the Cards fans as to the decision not to resign him. We will see though as the real  season progresses as to if we all still feel the same way about that decision.

Mizzou is Good Pick for Final Four

For the first time in as long as I can remember, everyone including the experts are choosing the Mizzou Tigers as one of the favorites in the NCAA basketball tournament. I think they have a really good team that can go to the final four this year.

They are filled with guys who want to win and have a true desire to win. They are quick all around and can shoot from anywhere. This is what makes this team almost unbeatable. I will personally pick the team to be in the final four but get knocked out in that round. Either way, it will be a great season for the Tigers.

Staying on Mizzou news, your thoughts on the change of identity from the University of Missouri Columbia. Gary Pinkel and Mike Alden have decided to change the logo from the classic M to the new Tiger head, both on the helmets and the field—all part of the marketing move to the SEC. There is even talk about removing the M from the end zone.

I sit on the fence on this one. I feel for the purest who say don’t change as this is a tradition dating way back but I also feel for the people who say, new logo, new image, new future. There are definitely arguments on both sides of this one. If I had to choose though, I would say go with the new look.

How about those St. Louis Blues? Right now we may be seeing another St. Louis team playing for a championship. Hockey has sat in the background here in St. Louis for a long time with only the purist of fans being on board but now with a bunch of youngsters and a few veterans and a veteran coach in Hitchcock. This could be the year.

Most years, baseball seems to start overshadowing the Blues but not this year. This might be the year that the Blues drink from the Cup. That would be pretty cool. A Midwest City other than Detroit holding the Cup.

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