Key Points of Hazelwood Schools’ Tobacco-Free Policy

The Hazelwood School Board recently passed a tobacco-free policy. Following are some of the highlights of the policy.

All district properties, campuses, vehicles and grounds are tobacco-free at all times. This includes all days when school is not in session, after school hours and all functions taking place on school grounds, such as athletic functions and other activities not associated with or sponsored by the school.

Possession, use, sale or transfer of any tobacco products by students on district property, in district vehicles or at school-sponsored functions both on and off district property is prohibited.

The use of any tobacco products by any school employee is prohibited on district property and in district vehicles. The use of any tobacco products by any employee is prohibited at school-sponsored functions on district property, and off district property if the employee is acting in his or her official capacity as an employee of the district.

The use of any tobacco products by any visitor on district property is prohibited at all times.

Advertising of tobacco products is prohibited in school buildings, on school property, at school functions and in all school publications.  This includes clothing and school supplies that advertise tobacco products.

Employees violating the tobacco-free policy may be subject to the following procedures:

First Offense: A verbal warning by the appropriate supervisor; referral to cessation resources.

Second Offense: A written warning by the appropriate administrator; recorded in the personnel file and referral to cessation resources.

Third Offense:A 2nd written warning and/or suspension without pay up to and including termination; referral to cessation resources.

Students violating the tobacco-free policy will be subject to the consequences outlined in the Behavior Guide and the Student Discipline Policy JG. First Occurrence and Repeated Offenses will result in confiscation of tobacco products, notification of parents/guardians, notification of police in accordance with St. Louis County Ordinance and delivery of consequences as outlined in the grade level Student Behavior Guides. Students will be offered resources for available cessation programs.

Smoking Cessation Programs

Smoking cessation resources will be publicized and promoted for students, staff, parents and visitors to the District. Smoking cessation referral will be provided to all staff through the Wellness Committee, upon request and if individuals are disciplined. Students who would like to receive assistance are also invited to see their counselor, school nurse or principal for smoking cessation services.


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