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Read MoreHazelwood Adopts District Tobacco-Free Standards
The Hazelwood School District last week, by a 3-2 vote, passed one of the first and most comprehensive Tobacco-Free School district policies in the county that basically makes all campuses, vehicles, school grounds tobacco free, all the time.
The policy provides clear details of the district as a tobacco-free environment that officials said will protect the health and safety of all students, employees and the general public. It also defines what smoking items are banned.
For the purpose of this policy, smoking is defined as “possession of burning tobacco in the form of a cigarette, cigar, pipe or other smoking equipment.” “Tobacco products” include all traditional and electronic smoking devices and smokeless tobacco items including but not limited to chewing tobacco, snuff, herbal cigarettes and pouch. The policy is defined as a commitment to smoke and tobacco free environments behind state standards that sets a non-tobacco use example for all adults.