A time capsule buried 50 years will be unearthed in Florissant. The city has hired Geotechnology, Inc. to assist in finding the location by conducting a ground penetrating radar survey. The capsule was buried during the 1957 Centennial celebration when the then new city hall was built at 619 rue St. Francois under Mayor Jules O’Neil.

“The intent at that time was to unearth the capsule in 100 years, but since the building has been sold and the exact burial site was debatable, this administration, the city council and Historic Florissant Inc. decided to unearth it sooner” Mayor Lowery said. “We have no idea what we will find—it’s a great mystery.”

A city street department crew will begin the work of uncovering the time capsule after its location. An opening ceremony and viewing of the artifacts and memorabilia will be held on Saturday, Oct. 13 at 1 p.m. at the Senior Dining Center, 621 rue St. Francois.

Joe Harl of the Archaeological Research Center of St. Louis plans to attend. The city will later rebury the capsule and add items from the current era with the items from 1957. The new burial site will be in Spanish Land Grant Park. A historical marker will be set in place to mark the site for the next generation to have easy access in uncovering the capsule.

Mayor Lowery extended special thanks to Rosemary Davison, president of Historic Florissant, Inc,; Gretchen Crank, a member of Historic Florissant Inc.,’ Gene Hutchens, donor of the 1957 capsule vault, Councilman Dan Sullivan, Senior Citizens coordinator Peggy Hogan and Grace Zykan—all who have worked on this project. Lowery extended a special thanks to Tom Buchholz and the Buchholz family for their cooperation and assistance in allowing the city to removed the time capsule from their property.

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