Florissant Seeks Photos Of Past Mayors for City Hall

Florissant Mayor Tom Schneider has asked the City Clerks office to research and find as many photos of past Mayors of the City of Florissant as possible. They will be displayed in the Council Chambers. The city has good images of former Mayor’s Robert G. Lowery, Sr., James J. Eagan, Henry F. Koch and Arthur Bangert. However, the city lacks images of several mayors from the city’s past

Anyone who has a photo or painting of a past Mayor on the list below is asked to contact the City Clerks office at 314-839-7630 or kgoodwin@florissantmo.com. The city clerk will arrange to scan and reproduce the picture for display.

The city is also looking for images of the First Commandant Francois Dunegant dit Borosier or any other Chief Executive of St. Ferdinand de Fleurissant from 1786 to 1857.

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