Infant Massage Classes Offered by Parents as Teachers

Learn techniques for stimulating and bonding with your baby on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the James J. Eagan Center, Room A, #1 James J. Eagan Drive, Florissant. Bring a blanket for your infant to lie on.  Expectant mothers are welcome (bring a doll).  Susan Rockow, a certified Parent Educator and Infant Massage Expert, will present and answer questions.  The session is sponsored by the Ferguson-Florissant School District’s Parents as Teachers program.

Attachment is the special relationship that develops between a baby and the primary caregivers during the early years of life.  The quality of attachment impacts all areas of development.  Being touched, loved and stimulated is essential to a baby’s healthy brain development and quality of attachment.  The more secure the attachment the better the child does in school.

For more information or to register for this free event call 314-506-9066.


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