If Not Jeff Fisher, How ’bout John Gudun? Rams Need an Angry Coach

by Randy Gardner

First off, Happy 2012. I hope this year is wonderful to everyone out there, I think we all deserve it. As we all know, it was a terrible year for the Rams but it all came to a screeching halt on Sunday with a loss to the 49ers at Home. Then it came to an even more sudden stop as Stan Kroenke pulled the hat from under Spags and DeVaney.

I think we all knew it was coming but just a matter of when.  I like the urgency that he showed in doing this, not waiting like the franchise has done in the past.

All indications show that Jeff Fisher is the likely candidate. I like this choice along with John Gruden. Both angry men, but team players and coaches at heart.

I want and I think most fans would agree that they want someone who is passionate about the game and expresses it. I want a choice that is a players coach but has a backbone and will not be afraid to let these players know that if they are not going to perform they are gone. I love that mentality in a coach.

What a different look St. Louis Sports will have in 2012. A Cardinals team without Albert Pujols and the Rams sidelined with a new coach.

Taking My Son to his 1st Rams Game

On Sunday, I had a chance to take my son to his first Rams game, both of us were really sick all week long and still kinda are but I did not want to miss out on this opportunity. The reason I write about this is that all my life I have heard parents and grandparents talk about remembering their first game with their fathers.

It lived up to the hype. We both got ready and took off and  on the way to the game, he said, ” Dad I want some Nachos at the game, I know they cost about 20 bucks, so dad we can share them.”  He knows that I am very thrifty but after that I would have paid the $20 for them, Luckily they were only $7.

When we  first walked in he was mesmerized by the stadium and the crowd. Of course we sat in the middle of all 49er fans, so we had to watch what we said. Being sick, I figured if we made it to half it would be great. Halftime came, and he did not want to leave— he was loving it. We stayed till the end. It was so cool for him to ask questions about the game and then figure it out next time it happened.

After the game in the car, he said, “ Dad that was so cool, can we go again sometime”. The reason I write about this is because I hope that I created a memory for his lifetime. His first game with his dad.

Could 2012 be the year that you make a memory like that. I hope so. If you get a chance to do something memorable. Do it.

If you are like me, you made the resolution to get back into shape this year. Let’s do it together. I will keep you up to date on my progress and hopefully you will be motivated to do the same. I want to lose 10 pounds and get back in shape. Let’s take our time and do this thing right.

Eat right and exercise often.  Don’t fall for those quick diets and fads,  go slow and steady. Happy 2012.

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