Rams and Cards Are Generating Late Summer Excitement


So much to talk about this week as the Rams and Cards look pretty good as one team is fighting for its playoff life and other is looking for a new life.

In the Rams 13-10-preseason win against the Vikings there were several positives in this game, one was that the Rams won but we got to see that the team does have some depth this year, something we struggled with over the past few years. I see this team at practice and hear the talk amongst the guys and it really seems to me that this team is going to be something special this year
. I know it is early and we say the same things every year but with Mark Bulger signed now and Steven Jackson wanting the ball every play with 2500 yards as his goal and a wide receiving core that the team has now. It could be an exciting year for all of us.

Onto the Cards, you can never tell as this team has had its chances over the past few weeks to close the gap in the division and didn’t, but now with a major series against the Brewers and later against the Cubs, they could crawl right back into this race. Its hard to believe that they are still in it with a record below .500.

How about Rick Ankel you couldn’t write a storybook better than this story. The Cardinals have invested so much money and time in this guy and from what we have seen maybe it is paying off. Ankel has power as a hitter, a great arm in the field, can catch the hard ball, and can run-—all the keys to success. Another one of those, hurry up and see kind of guys. It’s hard to believe that the season is winding down and summer is almost over but this is when it is fun for all of us. Lets go Cards.

—–Women’s National Soccer Team Here Oct. 13
How about the big soccer announcement at the Dome on Monday as the Women’s National Team will visit St. Louis to play on Oct.13. I think this is a great opportunity for the St. Louis region. What a chance for everyone to see soccer at its highest-level right here in our own backyard. You can bet, I will be there.

This right on the heals of another major announcement in Collinsville as they are aspiring to build a soccer only stadium to bring a professional team to the St. Louis region. This also would be great. Of course we would have like to see it on the St. Louis side of the river, but I think many of us would make that short trip to see the MLS.

Any David Beckham fans out there? I can hear the women screaming right now, well he is here but playing rarely. I saw the first game that he got into and he did make an immediate impact with some incredible passes. I really do think that he will be good for the game and attendance. The night that he played at RFK in Washington against DC United , it was the third highest crowd ever beating out all sports including football. That’s an accomplishment. We will have to wait and see how he draws in other places.

Finally, please as you step into your vehicle every day, buckle up— it could save your life.

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