3 names added to city’s Walk of Honorees at Christmas Walk


At the conclusion of the Christmas Walk on Dec. 3, the city’s Christmas tree was lit at Florissant City Hall.

photo by Councilwoman

Karen McKay


3 Former Mayors Added to

Florissant Walk of Fame

Mayor Tom Schneider presided over three Walk thru History plaque dedications near the Old City Hall on rue St. Francois at Jefferson Street on Dec. 3, the day of the annual Christmas Walk in Old Town.

The dedication honored Mayor Sidney Garrett (1915-1919), Mayor Arthur Bangert (1938-1950) and Mayor Henry Koch (1960-1963).  Friends and family members were on hand representing all three former mayors to show their respect and gratitude.

Bob Garrett (former Councilman), his wife Toni, Bob’s brother Bill, his wife and daughter and Steve Garrett. Mayor Henry Koch’s wife Lois Koch, her nephew George Koch, his wife Kelly, their son George Jr. and great grandson was also there. Mayor Arthur Bangert’s, younger brother and his daughter Alleen Bangert (Jackson) and several other family members attended as well as Ward 6 Councilman Pat Stinnett and other community leaders.

After the plaque dedications the Christmas Walk began from Jefferson Street to City Hall which featured a marching band from Hazelwood School District and children participated by handing out glow sticks.

The day’s activities concluded with the tree lighting at Florissant City Hall. .  Performing Christmas carols at City Hall were students from Brown Elementary School and from Trinity High School..

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