More New Restaurants Planning to Come to Florissant

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council held several public hearings at last week’s meeting, most of them about new restaurants that want to move into the city.

One public hearing regarded a plan by Thomas DiCarlo, the owner of the building at 8471 N. Lindbergh, to change the façade of the building. This is the building near the intersection of Lindbergh and Washington Street that currently houses Penn Station Subs, and formerly had a mattress store.

DiCarlo said that Dunkin Donuts had expressed an interest in the site.  He would like to change the building for Dunkin Donuts, including the addition of a drive-thru on the south side of the building. The plans include painting some of the brick on the building, which was built in 1962.

Councilman Tom Schneider had concerns. “I love the concept, except for the painting of brick,” he said.

Two new barbeque restaurants also requested hearings. The first, A&U Bar B Que, would be located at 472 Howdershell Road. The second, Weaver’s Dominique Deli, would be located at 12761 New Halls Ferry Road.

In addition, there was a hearing regarding a request by Handlebars, a restaurant and bar, to locate at 1149 N. Hwy 67.

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