Holidays Bring out Hazelwood District Students’ Generosity with Service Projects

Holidays Bring out HSD Students’ Generosity with Service Projects


Students and staff members throughout the Hazelwood School District are involved in holiday service projects designed to help those in our community who are less fortunate.

Projects like these link to two HSD Values – “We will form partnerships with parents and community members to ensure the success of each student,” and “We will maintain a District climate where staff, parents and community members model positive qualities and characteristics expected of each student.”

Below is a summary of the activities by early childhood, elementary, middle and high schools.

   Early Childhood

Students at all three early childhood centers are conducting a drive for the Hazelwood Community Response Team (CRT). Students will collect household cleaning supplies for “Spring Cleaning in December.”

   Elementary Schools 

Armstrong Elementary School held a food drive for The Emergency Assistance Ministry (TEAM) in Florissant, sponsored by the Student Council.

Arrowpoint Elementary School students, parents and staff raised money to purchase gift cards of $75 or more for eight Arrowpoint families. The school collected more than $1,200. Arrowpoint staff members are voluntarily donating an outfit and a toy for members of the eight families. The school is also conducting a canned food drive. The outfits, toys and groceries will be bagged and delivered to the families.

Barrington Elementary School is holding a food drive for TEAM and is collecting gifts for Toys for Tots.

Brown Elementary School will collect toiletries for the St. Louis Crisis Nursery from Dec. 5 through Dec. 19. They will also collect cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products for Hazelwood CRT from Dec. 5 through Dec. 12.

Cold Water Elementary School teachers donated Thanksgiving food to create dinners for 10 school families.

Garrett Elementary School staff are collecting personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies during December for CRT.

Grannemann Elementary School students conducted a canned food drive in October, donating more than 2,900 cans to Operation Food Search. The school is  sponsoring a personal hygiene drive for Hazelwood CRT.

Jamestown Elementary School is collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the pantry at Shalom Church City of Peace. In December, select students from Jamestown Elementary will be invited to a Making Spirits Bright Holiday Party to receive gifts of coats, gloves, hats and a wish list item less than $30. Staff members are asked to donate $25 toward the Making Spirits Bright program.

Jana Elementary School students are participating in the Noel Project 2011 at the First Christian Church of Florissant on Dec. 10. The church’s goal this year is to assist 200 families from various Ferguson-Florissant and Hazelwood schools. Jana registered seven of its families.

Jury Elementary School collected more than 3,200 non-perishable food items for Operation Food Search, as well as cash donations from staff.

Keeven Elementary School students are collecting food for the food bank at Bethany Peace Church. Donated items were delivered to the church on Nov. 22.

Larimore Elementary School’s Student Council sponsored a canned/non-perishable food and cash donation drive. These items will go to Larimore families in need and to TEAM

Lawson Elementary School’s Student Council is sponsoring a “Stocking Stuffer” drive. Goods collected will benefit two different groups. Students will create stockings for troops in Afghanistan and fill them with letters, game books and candy for soldiers to pass out to children. Students will also make stockings for TEAM filled with small toys, candy treats, crayons and coloring books.

Lusher Elementary School Student Council sponsored a food drive in November for TEAM. In addition, the school will sponsor a toy drive in December.

McCurdy Elementary School is working in partnership with Lindsay Lane Baptist Church to provide 15 families from the school with Thanksgiving baskets. For Christmas, the school is enrolling families for the Noel Project 2011, sponsored by the First Christian Church of Florissant. McCurdy registered seven of its families. On Dec. 10, they will give toys and clothing to the families.

McNair Elementary School registered 25 families for the First Christian Church of Florissant’s Noel Project. Students can bring in monetary donations or unwrapped gifts for distribution to the church.

Russell Elementary School’s Student Council is sponsoring a fundraiser called “Russell Gives a Helping Hand to Our Community.” Students are asked to donate gift cards or cash that can be used to buy food and toys for needy families in the Russell community.

Townsend Elementary School’s Student Council led a drive to benefit TEAM.

Twillman Elementary School gave 30 Thanksgiving baskets, which included turkeys and all the trimmings. Students and staff will distribute coats, hats and gloves from Nov. 22 through Dec. 21. On Dec. 12, the school will host an angel tree Christmas drive for their families and they have partnered with Toys for Tots.

Walker Elementary School is participating in the Noel Project at First Christian Church of Florissant. Also, Walker teachers adopted a family. The family will pick up their items at school on Dec. 19.

Middle Schools 

Hazelwood Central Middle School will support Hazelwood CRT with a personal hygiene and cleaning supply drive.

Hazelwood East Middle School organized Thanksgiving dinner giveaways for 20 school families. Students and staff collected turkeys, side dish items and gift cards for perishable groceries.

Hazelwood North Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) sponsored a “Guesses for Gobbles” contest.  The money went to purchase a Shop-‘N-Save gift card for a family in the North Middle community to help buy groceries for Thanksgiving dinner. In addition, the student council and NJHS will co-sponsor a canned food drive for TEAM through Dec. 9.

Hazelwood Northwest Middle School’s Student Council will prepare 100 cards for troops in participation with Cub Scout Pack 950 on the “Holiday Mail for Heroes” project. The Cub Scouts goal is to collect 250 holiday cards throughout November to donate to the American Red Cross, who will send the cards to military troops.

Hazelwood Southeast Middle School is participating in an Adopt-A-Family Campaign sponsored by the Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club. Girls on Track participants will fulfill a wish list for a patient at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The school will also sponsor a ‘Can Your Counselor’ canned food drive in December.

Hazelwood West Middle School students collected canned food items in early November during Student Success classes to support the community and sponsored a toiletries drive until Nov. 22 to support a local community outreach facility that assists families in Hazelwood.

   High Schools

Hazelwood Central High School is contributing to a variety of causes. The school’s DECA group is collecting children’s modeling compound for St. Louis Children’s Hospital; the Respected Women’s Society (RWS) is making fleece blankets to give to a nursing home; and Student Advisory Team/Ninth Grade Canned Food Drive is collecting canned food items from ninth-grade Academic Mentoring Lab classes for TEAM from Nov. 21 through Dec. 16.

Hazelwood East High School’s Student Council organized a non-perishable food item drive for Thanksgiving. The council is also planning a holiday book drive for HSD elementary schools.

Hazelwood West High School is once again collecting donations for families for the Room at the Inn project. Since 2005, students and staff have made efforts to fulfill wish list items for families living at the shelter. This year, they are working with 15 families. Items will be delivered to the shelter the morning of Dec. 13.


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