Hazelwood’s Domestic Violence Unit supports 1st workshop offered by Woman’s Place, Dec. 15

    The Crime Victims and Domestic Violence Unit (CVDVU) of the Hazelwood Police Department is collaborating with Woman’s Place in building public awareness about a special program, “How to Help: A Workshop for Friends and Family of Domestic Violence Victims,” scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 15.  This event will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Parish Hall, 751 N. Jefferson Street, in Florissant from 6-9 p.m.

According to a recent study, nearly three out of four Americans personally know someone who is or has been a victim of domestic violence.  At least 30 percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year.

Parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, and neighbors are often scared and sometimes feel powerless when they suspect that someone they care about is being abused by their partner.  Many times they experience a myriad of feelings ranging from fear to worry, and frustration to anger.

    Workshop instructors on Dec.  15 will help them learn some coping strategies on how to deal with these feelings.  Also, participants will be given advice on the “Ten Things to Do or Say” and the “Five Things to Never Do or Say” when talking to domestic violence victims.  Tips on how to engage a perpetrator will be shared as well.

“Our police department and the CVDVU strive to be active partners in St. Louis County’s Coordinated Community Response to domestic violence and its aftermath,” said Beth Ray, CVDVU Coordinator, Hazelwood Police Department.  “Woman’s Place has stepped forward to fill a need for support groups and educational workshops in the North County area.  This first workshop on December 15 will be a foundation for building stronger support systems for domestic violence victims through understanding and education.”

In addition to offering free admission, this Woman’s Place workshop is open to the public; all are welcome.  To make a reservation, please call (314) 645-4848.

In 2010, the Hazelwood Police Department’s CVDVU received one of only three “Excellence in Victim Services Awards” from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).  It is well known in St. Louis County and throughout the state for its commitment to victims of crime.  The CVDVU is responsible for the development and coordination of the department’s victims’ assistance program and other related activities.  Beth Ray works with uniformed officers, detectives, and Family Court officials to provide an extensive array of services ranging from crisis intervention to follow-up consultation with victims, and legal advocacy to the distribution of information packets.

Woman’s Place is a safe and welcoming drop-in center for adult women, especially those who may have experienced domestic and/or sexual violence.  Its mission is to help women break the cycle of violence and facilitate their transition toward safety and personal empowerment.  Through crisis intervention, support services, advocacy, and educational programs, this non-profit organization creates a safe, confidential opportunity for women to assess their situation, experience understanding and encouragement, and learn new behaviors that are healing and life-enhancing.  This center is located at 7372 Marietta Avenue in St. Louis. Operating hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Phone number is (314) 645-4848.

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