Florissant Budget is down $1.6 million from last year

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council held a first reading on the budget for fiscal year 2012 at last week’s meeting. The city’s fiscal year runs from December 1 to November 30. The council is scheduled to hold a second reading and final vote at the next meeting on November 28.

Mayor Tom Schneider proposed the budget. The council then held several work sessions and made some changes to Schneider’s proposal. The result is the budget the council will vote on Monday.

The $30.9 million budget is down from last year’s budget of $32.5 million. The city receives much of its revenue from sales taxes, which are down.

As in past years, the police department is the largest expenditure, with $10.5 million going to fund it. Next is Public Works, with $4.1 million. The Capital Improvement Fund and Parks Improvement Fund are both budgeted at just under $3 million.

In other action, the council:

• held a public hearing regarding a request by AT&T Mobility for the installation of a cell tower at the Storage Bank at 1475 Dunn Road. This is the facility just East of Washington Street, between Jack in the Box and Grandview. Councilwoman Karen McKay said she was not in favor of the plain tower and requested a flagpole tower.

• Approved a request for a transfer of a Special Use Permit from Fortel’s Pizza Den to Delco’s Deli located at 2782 North Highway 67.

• Passed a resolution endorsing the U. S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. The resolution urges the federal and state governments to enact programs to reduce pollution.

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