Are You ‘Enjoying The Fitness Journey’


Does the title of this article “enjoying the fitness journey” seem like a contradiction in terms? Are you wondering how fitness can be enjoyable or fun? If so, you are not alone. Many of us have a notion that fitness is something that is painful and full of sacrifice. Fitness may be something we associate with elite athletes or others who we may perceive to “have much more discipline and self control” than we do.

But, in reality, fitness is not a fixed idea or concept. While one may be “fit” in any given moment, if activity ceases for several weeks, this “fit condition” starts to slowly decline. Fitness needs to be “practiced” on a regular basis in order to maintain or improve it. Think of it like food intake..We can’t eat one meal once a month and expect our body to thrive-it is the regular intake of healthy food that makes our body healthy as well.

Likewise, it is the habit of “regular” activity that will improve one’s health, wellness and fitness.

So, since fitness is a journey, not a destination, it makes sense to choose some mode of exercise that is enjoyable. Walking, dancing, swimming, martial arts, yoga, weight training, or working out on an elliptical machine while watching your favorite TV program are just a few examples of activities to choose from. The chosen activity should be started after approval from one’s doctor and performed several times per week at a pace that is somewhat harder than daily life. (notice that it doesn’t have to be “over the top” intense or painful)

If the exercise program is adhered to, the body will gradually adjust to the increased work load and fitness will improve. Once the body has adapted, intensity can be gradually increased or duration extended for continued improvements.

The slow, gradual build up of work load is not only safer, it makes working out MUCH more enjoyable. Add your favorite music or a buddy to do it with you, and you may even decide the journey is enjoyable after all!

So, if you are contemplating beginning a fitness program or changing the one you are one, check your ideas about what you think fitness is. Think of it as a journey, not a destination and pick a route that you will enjoy!


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