Complaints Mounting Over Hazelwood Trash Hauling


The Hazelwood City Council heard many complaints about Veolia, the trash hauling company servicing the city, at its last meeting; and city council members took the opportunity to register their own complaints.

The council had requested Veolia’s general manager, Dale Sulfridge, to be present at the public hearing, and he was, along with two employees of the firm.

Sulfridge was quick to point out that he had been with the firm only three weeks; he had sent a letter to all residents and the city council addressing the recent service issues and concerns sent to the firm by residents.

Councilman Terry Salfen began the discussion by saying that he had received 14 complaints “just last week.” The residents had waited several days for pickup and on one occasion when the truck finally arrived at one house, the driver picked up the lid, then drove off.

“The people are hot,” he concluded.

Mayor T. R. Carr said he walks around his neighborhood early every morning and he has noticed that pickups have not been made.

Councilwoman Pat Piotrowicz said that she had held a meeting recently with her constituents and Veolia, and promises had been made, but the service has not improved.

Councilman Mike Conley, who represents Ward 4, which includes the Ville Maria area, said he had placed several calls to Veolia and “as of yet I did not receive a return phone call on those calls.”

He said on one occasion he mentioned to Veolia, trouble on one street and was told the street did not exist. “I replied,” he said, that “I happened to be walking on that street that night. Something’s got to be done.”

Two of Conley’s constituents from the Ville Maria area had this to say, “For over a year my yard waste has not been picked up on time,” said Renee Bright.

Crystal Gwaltney, the mother of seven children, said, “My trash has sat out on the street all week long. It’s ridiculous.”

Rose Marie Littell,, who lives in the Teson Road area, said she was pleased with the company’s employee who picks up the trash on her street. “He’s very professional,” she said, “but he was gone on vacation one week and nobody picked us up all week.” In addition to the council members, 10 residents had addressed the council with complaints.

Sulfridge said he apologized to the community and the council. He said “I have to find out what’s going on. Give me 90 days, and I want a list of complaints.”

Mayor Carr told him, “The council would like you to meet with the city manager once a week and he will report back to us.”

When Karla Lockridge , who lives in Riverwood Estates, was leaving the building, she was asked by this reporter her opinion of Sulfridge’s response. “I’m happy wih the response, if he can carry out what he said,” she replied.

———-In other matters
•Kathleen Burkette, a member of the St. Louis County Council, presented a proclamation honoring Mayor Carr for being selected to serve as president of the St. Louis County Municipal League.

•The Hazelwood City Council adopted a proclamation honoring the Our Lady of Fatima Knights of Columbus Council 4429 for its 50th anniversary. The Council is located on Teson Road in Hazelwood.

•Another proclamation was adopted declaring the week of July 2 – July 8 as United States Air Force Week as a special time to honor all airmen who have served.


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