St. Angela Merici Eagle Scout Gives Back to His Parish

Austin Smith

Austin Smith sits on his Eagle Scout project at St. Angela Merici.

St. Louis University High School sophomore, Austin Smith, recently completed an Eagle Scout project for his parish, St. Angela Merici in Florissant.

Smith’s Eagle Scout project is a 35 foot by 14 foot patio overlooking the athletic fields of St. Angela Merici. The patio is held up by two retaining walls creating a comfortable area to sit and enjoy St. Angela Events.

“Previously it was just a grassy hill with a few trash cans and other junk lying against the building, creating a very trashy appearance,” said Smith.  “Being just around the corner from the concession stand, the patio is meant to be an area to gather and enjoy refreshments with a good view of the athletic events. The patio is also meant to double as a stage for events that include DJ’s or MC’s like the parish picnic.”

Although Smith organized the project, he credits work from other scouts who volunteered to build it and parish funding.

“I sold inscribed bricks to raise money for all the materials and supplies for the project,” said Smith. “Parishioners could buy a brick and write whatever they’d like to say on it and I would put it in the patio so they could leave their mark on St. Angela. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, time, and hard work we were able to create an awesome edition to St. Angela’s athletic fields!”

“I chose this project because I wanted to use all the skills and knowledge I had learned throughout my life thus far and repay where I started it all: St. Angela Merici. St. Angela is home of my grade school, my parish, and my Boy Scout troop where I began my education, my morals, and my idea of leadership. I used these three ideals to repay where they all began with my Eagle Scout project.

There is also another Eagle Project in coordination with Smith’s led by Mike Kremer. On the athletic fields, Kremer created a three-tiered stadium seating set with a great view which also corrected a major erosion problem.

“The two of these projects together give the St. Angela Merici athletic fields a stunning new look and are sure to make future athletic seasons even more enjoyable,” said Smith.

Austin is the son of Jeff and Jeanette Smith of the Spanish Lake area. He is with Troop 940.


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