Hazelwood District Cited by SchoolMatch for meeting Criteria

June 28, 2011

SchoolMatch®, a national firm specializing in rating public schools, recognized the Hazelwood School District as one of 28 Missouri districts to receive a “What Parents Want” award. Locally, 13 school districts received recognition in the 2011 Twentieth Annual award program.

The Columbus, Ohio-based firm ranks school systems in a national percentile format, making it possible for parents, homebuyers, corporate leaders, policymakers, educators or realtors using its services to compare school districts.

HSD has been recognized by SchoolMatch for 15 years – the first time in 1992, and consecutively since 1998.

The District serves nearly 19,000 students at 32 school sites – three early childhood education centers, 20 elementary schools, six middle schools and three high schools. The District is fully accredited by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The SchoolMatch website states that 16 percent of the nation’s public school districts meet the “What Parents Want” expectations and are recognized for meeting the needs of families choosing schools.

A national compilation of more than 97,000 questionnaires completed by SchoolMatch clients revealed that parents most often search for school districts that are:

• Accredited

• Competitive in academic test scores and academically solid, but not so rigorous as to intimidate their children

• Recognized for excellence by a national foundation or by the U.S. Department of Education

Competitive in teacher salaries

• Above average in instructional expenditures on a national percentile basis

• Above average in expenditures for library/media services on a national percentile basis

• Known for small class size

It includes the availability of programs at the secondary level since relocating parents focus on finding a school system that produces high school graduates.

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