Joplin Relief Effort Underway in Hazelwood

In a joint effort between the City of Hazelwood and the Hazelwood Fire and Police Departments, a disaster relief collection campaign has begun to give local residents and businesses an opportunity to donate items or cash for Joplin families victimized by the nation’s deadliest single tornado in nearly 60 years.  More than 2,000 houses and businesses were destroyed, leaving hundreds of people homeless with nothing left except the clothes on their back.

According to former state legislator Gary Burton who showed up to help at a volunteer center at Missouri Southern State University, “I’ve never seen such devastation – just block upon block upon block of homes just completely gone.”  House after house literally reduced to piles of rubble, vehicles crushed like soda cans after being thrown around by winds of 190 to 198 mph, and downed power lines leaving the area in horrific darkness.

“Many of these people have lost everything.  There’s nothing left to salvage – not even family heirlooms or precious photo albums.  It’s all gone.  They don’t even have the basics such as food, shelter and clothing,” said Sgt. Don Routh, N.A.T. Supervisor/Volunteer Coordinator.  “Both the City’s police and fire departments have been inundated with phone calls from many of our compassionate residents, asking us what they could do to help the folks in Joplin.  So we decided to pool our resources and start a Joplin Disaster Relief Campaign.”

Starting today, Hazelwood residents, businesses, and those living in surrounding communities are welcome to bring donated items and money contributions to the following drop-off locations:

• Hazelwood Police Station (City Hall), 415 Elm Grove Lane

• Hazelwood Fire Station #1, 6100 N. Lindbergh Blvd.

• Hazelwood Fire Station #2, 6800 Howdershell Road

• Degel Truck Center, 5480 Brown Road.

Items that are desperately needed by the tornado victims include these basic essentials: nonperishable food; bedding; personal hygiene items (i.e. soap, deodorant, tooth brushes, tooth paste, razors, shaving cream, hair shampoo; towels/wash cloths); women’s personal hygiene products; cleaning supplies (i.e. bleach, mops, plastic gloves; laundry detergent, dish soap); baby supplies (i.e. disposable diapers, formula, baby food, clothing); socks and other clothing items for people of all ages.

“Most of these people are literally starting from scratch.  So any basic items you think you would need on a daily basis would be greatly appreciated,” said Assistant Fire Chief Dave Radel, Hazelwood Fire Department.  “The need for donated supplies is urgent.  Time is of the essence.”

Donations brought to the drop-off locations will be gathered, loaded and transported to Joplin where The Salvation Army will handle the distribution of these items.  Cash donations will also be accepted by the police and fire departments as well.  Checks should be made payable to The Salvation Army, and the phrase “Joplin Tornado Relief” needs to appear on the memo line.

For questions regarding Hazelwood’s Joplin Disaster Relief Campaign, please contact Sgt. Don Routh at (314) 513-5208.

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