Festival Leaves Good Impression To Valley of Flowers Newcomer


Puppeteers performing and acting alongside the puppets during the puppet theatre production.

Story and photos by Nichole Butler

The Valley of the Flowers is a big deal in Florissant… so I had been told, and so I had discovered this past weekend.

I am not from Florissant. A few years ago, I was simply a “country girl” who fell in love with a “city boy” who just so happened to be a resident of the beautiful city of Florissant… and so here I am.

I have soaked up the sweetness of this little city many times over, but The Valley of the Flowers was something I had yet to experience. Let me tell you that it left a great impression on me.

My adoration for all things involving children drew my interest towards the Children’s Celebration of Performing Arts on the grounds of the James Eagan Center. So, while the boyfriend finished up some much needed yard work, I excitedly set out to see something new. My excitement drove me to the wrong side of town in search of the festival, but I eventually made it.

I had no idea what to expect. There were little white tents everywhere and a smell of carbs and grease in the air that made me wish my figure would forgive an indulgence. Then, I heard one of my favorite sounds—children laughing.

I let the laughter carry me to the center of it all, a huge white tent with a stage and hay bales filled with families enjoying the show. Parents were smiling and children were eagerly raising their hands hoping to be picked as volunteer.

As I walked around and found myself a spot at the back of the tent (yes, I am that kind of girl who is so shy she’ll try to sneak into the back of pretty much any room she enters) I looked first at the audience in front of me. They were transfixed by the entertainment, zoning in on it. The entertainer was none other than Wayne Francis, a comedian and ventriloquist from Denver, Colorado. (visit www.waynefrancis.com for more information)

Oh, now I was definitely excited… clean, family appropriate comedy that really was funny! The children loved it! Not only did Wayne entertain alongside Wingnut, but he also brought puppet friends Chico the Chihuahua and Mr. Pillow. Children and adults alike were volunteering to go on stage and become a part of the performance. It was fantastic, and so much fun to watch.

After the family-friendly comedy act was over, I ventured across to the other large white tent. These hay bales were filled with families as well, but they were quietly engrossed by what was happening on stage. I took another seat, (yes, in the back again) and watched the most amazing puppet show I have ever seen.

When I think puppet shows, I think little wooden boxes with curtains on each side and somebody standing above it making a puppet dance with strings. This was not that kind of puppet show; it was way better!

Marionetas de la Esquina, a puppet theatre company from Mexico, put on an amazing show. The puppets were not moved by strings, but were moved by the puppeteers themselves; and the puppeteers didn’t hide behind a wooden box and curtains, but were out in the open, interacting with the puppets throughout the show. It was beyond adorable and very intriguing.

As if the puppets and the approach of the performance were not enough to grasp the attention of all who ventured close enough to the tent, the colors and design of the stage props were fantastic. There was not a single thing about this puppet show than didn’t surpass even my greatest anticipation of a very pleasant and entertaining production. (visit www.marionetas.com.mx for more information)

Alas, I could not spend my entire Saturday at the Children’s Celebration of Performing Arts, though I would have liked to soak up another creative production or two. As entertaining as my morning was, I had to leave the world of fun and silly behind and get back to the reality of housework and a never-ending to-do list. Oh, to be a kid again.

I was without a doubt impressed by the entertainment presented at the Children’s Celebration. It was beyond anything I had thought to expect, and it was the most creative schedule of performers from all different cities.

This year’s Valley of the Flowers definitely went all out to show the children of Florissant and their families a really great time. I am already anticipating next year!

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