HSD Summer School Registration Forms Due May 20 for All Grades

Registration for summer school in the Hazelwood School District is open and will continue through May 20. Summer classes begin in June.
Academic Adventures, the elementary summer program, focuses on developing language, literacy and critical thinking skills, math concepts, reasoning and problem-solving. Students will be exposed to a variety of reading materials and children’s literature. Nine District elementary schools will serve as sites for the summer program – Armstrong, Arrowpoint, Brown, Grannemann, Jamestown, Jana, Larimore, McCurdy and McNair.
Sunny Start is for new kindergarten students and is designed to help prepare children for school in the fall. The program includes language skills, pre-reading activities, basic math concepts and fine- and gross-motor skill development. Students will attend at the elementary summer school sites.
For middle school students, courses are offered in core subjects such as communication skills, math, science and social studies, and a variety of electives.
QUEST, the transition program for new sixth-grade students, is integrated into summer school. The program gives students the opportunity to meet teachers, make new friends, become familiar with the school building, participate in team-building activities and learn the expectations and rules of the school.
Summer classes and QUEST will be held at each middle school in the district.
The high school summer program is designed to provide enrichment courses for graduation requirements and to assist students who were unsuccessful during the regular school year. Course offerings include core curriculum and electives. Summer school will be held at each high school.
Bus transportation will be provided for students who live more than a mile from school. Elementary school students are offered breakfast at no cost. Breakfast is available for purchase for 75 cents for middle and high school students.
2010-2011 summer school dates and times are as follows:
High school, June 9 – July 15, No classes July 4, 7:30 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Elementary, Middle school, June 13 – July 12 No classes July 4, 8:10 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.
QUEST (Middle school) Choice I, June 13 – June 24, Choice II, June 27 – July 12, No classes July 4
Band and orchestra camps for fourth and fifth grade students are scheduled from June 13 through June 23 at Barrington Elementary School. Students who are enrolled in or are residents of the District can participate. No transportation will be provided; the cost is $75 per camp.
Summer program brochures and registration information is available at the schools and on the District website, www.hazelwoodschools.org  For questions about summer school, call (314) 953-5000.

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