Take A Trip Back in Time to Visit Historic Brussels, Illinois and The Wittmond Hotel

whittmond hotel
The Whittmond Hotel in Brussels, Illinois, as it looks today
By Nichole Butler
(Posted April 21, 2011)
Anyone looking for a good day trip and a pretty drive should consider the historic town of Brussels, Illinois; and anyone wanting to step back in time should stop in at The Wittmond Hotel.
Brussels, about one hour outside from Florissant aea,  and accessed only by ferryboat, is the epitome of something charming. Everything from the wildflowers growing alongside the road to the baby goats behind the wooden fences of the passing family farms are note-worthy of a Kodak moment or two. But the center of this town’s charm lies without a doubt within the walls of the family owned Wittmond Hotel.
The Wittmond Hotel has been owned and operated by the same family since its establishment in 1847. Judy Burch and her children, Caroline and Vince Stegman and Charles and Gwen Burch are the current owners. Caroline and Charles are fifth generation Wittmonds.
Conrad and Mary Wittmond came to the United States from Northern Germany. Their American journey began at Port New Orleans and they made their way straight up the Mississippi River to Brussels. Originally, they opened the building as a trading post for dry goods, furnishings, clothing, and anything else a pioneer family may need.
With the rapid growth of the riverboat trade after the Civil War, and because of the store location between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, the Wittmond’s saw the opportune need to expand into the hotel business. In 1885, the Wittmonds rebuilt the current structure to include 10 rooms for overnight guests.
Today, the building no longer operates as a hotel, but is still open to the public as a restaurant. Guests can dine on a three-course home-cooked menu, served family-style, with three meat choices including fried chicken, while soaking in the tranquility of a time long ago past.

No Longer an Operating Hotel,Now Know For its Family Dinners
“We are talking about going over to Germany in the fall,” Caroline Stegman said, “just to look more into our family history and to make sure we are on the right track.”
The family history is not the only accuracy that is a priority for today’s generation of Wittmonds. The detail of the original design of the estate is top-notch. The family has upheld the building’s elegance, including all ten original hotel rooms, the general store, and the private quarters where Conrad and Mary once lived.
Charlie Burch, a fourth generation Wittmond and father of Caroline and Charles, has dedicated much of his time over the past 15 years renovating the estate from its 1970s remodel.
“We wanted to take the rooms back to their original look,” Stegman said.
The family restored the floors, walls, and ceilings of the 10,000 square foot home, exact to the way Conrad and Mary had it decorated during their ownership. Much of the furnishings belonged to the original Wittmonds, and what antiques that have been added are identical to the time period and not unlike anything that would have originally been placed in the home.
It is impossible to walk through the door and not feel as if you have suddenly taken a step back in time. The Burch’s have taken special attention to preserve their ancestor’s moments in time, from original furnishings to the many family portraits that decorate the walls.
The very beauty of this building derives not only from its structure and surroundings, but also from the many generations of Wittmonds who have and continue to dedicate their lives to remembering and honoring those that were before them.
The Wittmond Hotel is a treasure within the tiny town of Brussels, and anyone who visits would find it impossible to lack appreciation for its history.

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