Florissant Council Gives Mayor Lowery A Sentimental Send-Off at His Last Meeting


Mayor Robert Lowery, along with his wife Carole, were honored at Monday night’s (April 11) City Council meeting, his last as mayor of the city. Councilman Keith English presented the proclamation.                               Carol Arnett photo

By Carol Arnett
The Florissant City council gave Mayor Robert Lowery a sentimental send-off on his last council meeting as mayor. The council passed a resolution praising Lowery and presented him with a pocket watch. Then each council member said a few words about working with Lowery.
“Although we didn’t always agree, we always remained friendly,” Councilman Tim Lee said. He urged Lowery to enjoy his retirement with his family.
Councilman Tom Schneider, who will be sworn-in as the new mayor April 25,  noted that he and Lowery had both worked for the city for 34 years. He thanked Lowery for his support through the years.
Councilman Keith Schildroth said he wanted to extend special thanks to Lowery’s family, especially his wife Carole.
“I know you will find something new to do,” said Councilman Andrew Podleski. “Florissant will always be here for you.”
Lowery told the story of how he came to Florissant. He was working as a St. Louis Police Officer when one of his superiors was named Florissant Chief of Police. He asked Lowery to join the Florissant force.
“I didn’t know where Florissant was when I took the job,” Lowery said. “Neither did my wife. I was a North St. Louis boy.” Lowery continued that he and his wife drove to Florissant to sign the papers for employment. “We found Florissant, and we’ve been here ever since, and we’ll be here until the day I die,” he said.
Retiring, Lowery said, “doesn’t mean that I’m going away.” He said he will still be active in Rotary and other organizations and wants to work with The Emergency Assistance Ministry (TEAM).
Lowery thanked his family and his wife. “She’s put up with a lot,” he said, “including my nine injuries as a police officer.” He noted that they also had sons who are police officers, so in addition to worrying about him, she worries about their sons.
It was also the last meeting for Councilman Andrew Podleski who ran twice against Mayor Lowery. By running this time, he had to leave his seat on the  city council.

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