Hazelwood Central Senior Wins Top Honors for Artwork

M.Grabish-HSD artist pg 6
McKenzie Grabish, a senior at Hazelwood Central High School, is the Best of Show winner of the Young Artists’ Showcase, held at the St. Louis Art Guild. Her work will remain on display until May 6.
Grabish created a ceramic piece titled “For the Love of the Fallen Soldier.” It’s a sculpture of a little girl holding a rabbit by the ears in her hand.
Images and headlines related to war appear on her dress. Around her neck are two dog tags – one with her father’s name, the other with the title of the piece.
“I wanted the piece to show that war is hard for soldiers, but it’s also hard for the mothers and children who are left behind at home,” said Grabish.
“War is everywhere and it affects people. I have friends who are in boot camp and are going to war,” she continued, saying the piece is an expression of current events.
After learning she’d won Best of Show, Grabish said she was shocked because there were “so many good pieces.”
“I’m excited. I’ve had work in shows before, but I’ve never won anything.”
She’s been interested in art since her freshman year. “I’ve taken every art class at school.”
Grabish will attend Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to study art. She wants to be a ceramics teacher.
As for the future of “For the Love of the Fallen Soldier,” Grabish said she wants to sell it. “I have cats and dogs at home and it might not do well,” she smiled.
(Posted April 12, 2011)

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