Is Albert's Show Start Something to Worry About?

**Randy Gardner photo**
Let’s see, no matter how big of a fan you are of Albert Pujols, you have to be scratching your head as he is 2 for 19 at the plate on Tuesday morning.
Wouldn’t you think for a guy that keeps saying that this isn’t on his mind that he might be seeing the ball at the plate a bit better. Would the numbers be so bad if he was heavier in the wallet with a fat contract or would things be the same. Eventually as always, a player of Pujols caliber will come out of his slump but not a good way in my opinion to start the season off after you’re seeking $300 million dollars.
This goes back to my pay for play theory. Let a player earn himself $300 million by way of production.
Include several incentives in all aspects of the game with an injury clause in it. This is the way that everyone else in this world usually gets paid.
Perform well and work hard and you are rewarded. I am so curious to see how the fans will react if the  Pujols slump continues.
I know this is a bit against what I said before about giving Pujols the money because he is the face of the franchise but with his poor performance and others really stepping up in the lineup, it just makes you wonder.
Butler, U.Conn: the Teams that Can’t Shoot
Were you one of the hundreds of millions that sat on the couch on Monday night like I did and watch the poorest exhibition of shooting a basketball that there ever was.
After about 10 minutes I had to turn the thing off until after halftime because my head was hurting from yelling at the screen. There were enough bricks shot in this game to build a new stadium.
Besides being one of the lowest scoring games in championship history it wasn’t too exciting to watch either.  Where was the drama? I know not every game can have it but in the National Championship collegiate game give me a little bit.
If I was in charge I would have had a staged set of drama somehow if the game went the way it  did on Monday night. All that people are talking about was the lousy game and shooting.
Maybe run a streaker across the court, toss a chair on the court or something. For goodness sake, give us some excitement we can talk about.

Who’s Frank Haith?

I will only touch on this a bit because I want to do some more research but how about the Mizzou Basketball hire? Who the heck is this guy? Everything I have heard about him from everywhere including national media is that he was the wrong hire. Frank Haith from the University of Miami (Florida)  is his name and that is all I can tell you. I will let you know my feelings  after a while.
Finally, did you  see the family woman golfer Stacy Lewis as they ceremoniously jumped into Poppies Pond after winning at LPGA.
The mom who was training for a marathon jumped in and broke her fibula in the shallow water. This gives a new meaning to knee deep in the water. I wish her the best, this is a painful injury.

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