Barrington Elementary 2nd Grader Launches A Campaign Against Texting and Driving

Brooke Bommarito,texting pg 3
Brooke Bommarito
The danger of texting and driving isn’t a concern for most children, but for second-grader Brooke Bommarito, it’s a personal campaign.
Bommarito is a student at Barrington Elementary School in the Hazelwood School District. In late January, she and her family watched an episode of “Extreme Makeover Home Edition” and she was moved by the show’s featured family. The Browns, who live in Texas, lost a daughter in a car accident on the way to school because she was texting while driving.
Bommarito decided she wanted to help. Through a letter, copied on pink paper, and a pledge form, she is sharing the message of the Brown family in support of their campaign, r.a.b., Remember Alex Brown.
“I am asking for your help with a cause that is very important to me,” Bommarito states in her letter.
As the letter continues, it reads, “There is no reason for another family to suffer the way the Brown family has, so I have pledged to do everything I can to help make everyone STOP texting and driving.”
Bommarito said the show was “really heartbreaking for me. It’s sad when you lose a family member. I’ve lost someone, not from texting and driving, but old age.”
Her parents helped her go online and download the pledge. She asked her parents, aunt, uncle and cousin to sign the pledge. At school, she asked her teacher, April Ernst, to put copies of the letter and pledge form into the teacher’s mailboxes. To date, 23 teachers have returned the pledge.
Bommarito set a goal of having 500 people commit to the pledge. She has collected 107.
“Brooke is very good about reminding us about not texting and using our phones while we’re driving,” said her mother, Terresa.
“I say ‘Mom, do not answer that phone.’”
Bommarito said she knew about the dangers of texting and driving before watching the show because her parents talk to her about “the things you should and shouldn’t do.”
“It’s been a learning lesson for her, too,” her mother said, explaining that Brooke answers the phone while her parents drive. “She doesn’t want people to forget about the pledge and the reason behind its importance.”
“This is her thing. It’s 100 percent her cause,” said her father, Dominic.
“We’re very proud of what she’s done thus far,” her mother added.
When asked what she’d say to a room full of people to tell them about the pledge, Bommarito quickly answered.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt. I would like you guys to sign this. It’s a Don’t Forget Alex Brown pledge. I don’t want anyone else to suffer. I’m trying to get as many people as I can to sign this.”
Her letter closes with “Thanks for caring!!” followed by her signature with a heart.

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