Getting the Picture About My Weight, Put Me on the Right Track

By Randy Gardner

About eight weeks ago, I had a chance to see a picture of myself that someone else took and it was horrifying.  Being on TV I only ever see myself from the mid waist and up and we can all justify that we look okay with only seeing that much of ourselves.

**Randy Gardner photo**

I immediately came home and jumped on the scale and to my surprise I was 192 pounds which is the heaviest that I have ever been in my life. The weight just kind of snuck up on me slowly as it always does, and with working and raising three young children with very little sleep right now, I knew it would only get worse.

So that day, I said to myself “this is it, I am going to make a change.” I did, the next day I started running everyday and doing sit-ups. To this day which is the start of the 9th week, I am down to 173 pounds, down 19 pounds. I tell you this because if I can do it so can you.

So many of us say that we want to do something about it but we don’t.

Like anything in life, if we want to do something, it is all up to us, no body else. I have set a huge goal for myself in the fact that I will be training for a triathlon in August, actually the day after my 43rd birthday. It will either we a major goal day in my life or I will pass out from the fatigue.

I have also been challenged from some friends in the electronic media to start the P90X program with them. We are planning to start the first week of April, so we are trying to get as many people involved with us as possible. Look for more information about this program in coming weeks. We hope to be giving out prizes such as sporting tickets for the best end results after the program.

Hopefully, this will be a motivator for others like it has been for me. I want to be healthy for my children and honestly it makes you feel better and it makes everything in life including work more enjoyable because you are more focused and have more energy.

Season Opener in 1 Week

Just a few more days till opening day, it will be weird for the opening home game to be on a Thursday as it has always been on a Monday. I have heard so many give their take on the season and unfortunately many people are starting to have that I don’t care attitude because of the Pujols contract negotiations. All I can say is that Albert Pujols better have a great season or the people will be happy for him to go. This will be a pivotal year for the Cardinals organization many aspects. I really think though that it all revolves around Albert and his production. In the end though, its really just a sport, a diversion and that’s all. Let’s keep it in perspective.

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