Hazelwood Police Dept. Awarded Grant for Enforcement of Underage Drinking

The Hazelwood Police Department (HPD) has received a grant for $11,812 from the Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Block Grants Program, which is administered by the U. S. Department of Justice , Office of Justice Programs and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

These funds will be used by the department to enforce underage drinking laws that pertain to liquor license establishments and special events, announced Hazelwood Police Chief Carl Wolf.

In accordance with guidelines outlined in the Revised Statutes of Missouri and the State Division of Alcohol and Tobacco, the HPD will conduct compliance checks at establishments that sell packaged liquor and at those that sell liquor by the drink such as bars and restaurants.

“The youth we use for the compliance checks will only be allowed to enter the establishment with his/her Missouri state identification and the money given to them by our police officers,” said Chief Wolf.  “The youth go in and select a pre-determined alcoholic beverage, bring it to the counter and attempt to make a purchase.  This incident is witnessed by an undercover officer and an audio recording is made.  If a sales transaction takes place, our undercover officer immediately initiates an investigation and issues a municipal court summons to the sales clerk.”

Hazelwood Awards Concrete Contract

The City of Hazelwood has awarded a contract to Millstone Bangert, Inc., for the whitetopping of Hazelwood Avenue at a cost of $1,308,084.  This federally funded project is a joint effort between Hazelwood and Berkeley.  The work involves applying a concrete surface on top of the existing asphalt roadway from Pershall Road to Frost Avenue.  Millstone Bangert plans to begin sometime this spring.  The target date for completion is Sept. 1.

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