Salt Issue in Florissant: Buy Now Or Wait –Parking Lot issue for new Dollar General

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council authorized the appropriation of almost $200,000 for the purchase of additional salt for snow and ice removal. Mayor Robert Lowery asked the council to approve the appropriation last week, saying that it would enable the city to purchase and have in reserve enough salt for two more winter storms.

Councilwoman Karen McKay noted that the public works department had proposed building a second shelter for salt so they could buy an entire season’s worth, and suggested that the council take up the idea at the next budget session.

Councilman Tom Schneider said that the city will have to pay more now than it would have had to pay in the summer, but he noted that he was recently at a County Municipal League meeting, and “everyone is in the same boat.” He added, “When we’ve had a storm like we’ve had, everybody has to get more salt at this time of year.”

“We have been inundated by other cities in the county with requests to loan them salt,” Lowery said. He said that he was unable to lend any, because he was concerned about the city having enough.

The council also passed a bill that will change the city’s animal neglect and abandonment ordinance. The new bill, Council President Keith English explained, “adds some teeth,” to the original ordinance by adding provisions for enforcement in animal neglect situations.

The bill animal neglect bill will also cover animals left in cars with the windows rolled up. The bill passed unanimously.   

Plaza Madrid Parking Lotplaza madrid lot pg 4

Another bill that has previously caused some discussion among Florissant Council members was postponed until the next council meeting.

The bill is a request that would allow a Dollar General store to open at 13041 New Halls Ferry Road. This is the site of the Plaza Madrid shopping center. At previous council meetings, several council members expressed dismay at the state of the parking lot of the shopping center.

Some members wanted to make the approval for a Dollar General Store contingent on the improvement of the parking lot. The developer proposed upgrading the lot only near the proposed Dollar General store.

Councilman Mark Schmidt represents Ward 8, in which Plaza Madrid is located. He said that the center owners requested the postponement.

In other action:

• The council approved a request for a full liquor by the drink license for Hooters of Florissant, on N. Highway 67. Councilman Ben Hernandez, who represents Ward 9, in which the restaurant is located, explained that the restaurant has a new owner, requiring the new licenses, but the restaurant is not changing.

• The council read a letter from Ward 6 candidate Gerard Henke, stating that he has removed his name from the April 5 ballot due to a change in his job situation.

•  Councilman Schmidt announced that he may be missing some council meetings in the near future due to treatment for a malignant tumor on his neck. He said he expects to be undergoing treatment from sometime in March until Mid-May.

A Dollar General store plans to open at 13041 New Halls Ferry Road on site of the Plaza Madrid shopping center. Some Florissant Council members are concerned about the state of the parking lot and want the entire parking lot improved first..

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