Mayor to Request Service Stations Comply with ADA Guidelines

Florissant will send a letter to every service station in the city asking for their compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act requiring fueling assistance for people with disabilities. They will be asked to fill out a questionnaire and return it to the mayor’s office.

This is in response to information received by Florissant from the Department of Justice’s Americans with Disabilities Act division regarding assistance of self-service gas stations, said Mayor Robert Lowery.

“In this, it was clearly stated that people with disabilities find it difficult if not impossible to use the controls, hose, or nozzle of a self-serve pump,” said  Lowery. “As a result, at stations that offer both self and full-service, people with disabilities might have no choice but to purchase the more expensive gas from a full-serve pump.”

The ADA does require refueling assistance upon request of an individual with a disability. They can indicate their need for assistance by either honking or signaling for an employee to provide the necessary fuel without any charge beyond the self-serve price.

There is an exemption for stations that are operating on a remote control basis with a single employee, but is encouraged to assist the disabled, if feasible.

“I believe that service stations in our city should come forward to answer the questionnaire and provide information publicly to the people with disabilities as well as the senior citizens,” said Lowery.

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