Christian Hospital MEGA Heart Fair Set Feb. 12 Features Giant Walk Through Heart

The MEGA Heart, the world’s first inflatable heart designed as an educational walk-through exhibit, will be at Christian Hospital MEGA Heart Fair on Saturday, Feb. 12 as it makes its way across the nation in conjunction with American Heart Month.

The MEGA Heart, as seen on the popular TV show  “The Doctors,” is a 12-foot tall, 21-foot-long, 15-food-wide replica of the human heart that provides visitors with a close-up view of healthy and diseased tissue, artificial valves and a stent. It also depicts the  damage caused by a heart attack. The MEGA Heart demonstrates the effects of heart disease and ways to prevent and treat it.

At the MEGA Heart Fair you’ll learn what you can do to protect your heart, the latest advancements in heart care and much more.  Don’t wait for an emergency to find out what type of advanced heart care is available in the area.

Free  screenings will be offered for:  cholesterol, Glucose, blood pressure and breathing.

There will be guided tour of the CH Surgery Center, plus informational displays, educational booths, Ask the Experts, heart disease information and refreshments.

The folloowing workshops are scheduled:

9:30 – 10:30 a.m. The Latest and Greatest in Heart Surgery – Sunil Prasad, MD

• Learn the latest surgical treatments for coronary artery disease that could save your life and give you a quicker recovery.

• High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease and Stroke – Robert Margolis, MD

•  Learn the connection between blood pressure, heart disease and stroke and what you can do to reduce your risk.

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Heart Health 101 – Laura Gruen, MD

• Everything you need to know about heart disease, from what causes it, what the symptoms are and what you can do to prevent it.

• Fad Diets and How They Affect Your Heart – Choose a Heart Healthy Lifestyle Instead – Allison Mills, RD, LD.  Heard about the latest fad diet?  Have you ever wondered how healthy they truly are?  Learn why choosing a heart healthy lifestyle is a better way to go and get tips on how to make changes to do just that.

The event will be held Christian Hospital Detrick Building Atrium 11133 Dunn Road at I-270 & Hwy. 367 Space is limited,  call 314-747-WELL and register.

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