Hazelwood Students Earn SSD Rosemary Zander Award

Outstanding achievement and great attitudes by kids in the Hazelwood School District earned five students the Special School District Rosemary Zander Awards.

The awardees include Derrance Thomas, Paul Fields, Kevin Fox and Alyssa Kalei Cook, who are seniors at Hazelwood West High School. Taylor Jackson is in the seventh grade at Hazelwood Middle School.

The students were nominated by their SSD teachers.

Denise Inman nominated Derrance Thomas for the award. She said wresting and football paved the way for his personal success.

Thomas now earns As and Bs and is working with the Hazelwood Police Department to train for a career in law enforcement.

Paul Fields was nominated by Inman because he is an inspiration to others through his work in Peer Leaders, Students Against Drunk Driving, the Special Olympics planning committee and other activities.

“Paul is helpful, friendly, courteous, kind and compassionate,” Inman wrote. “He is a young man who gives his all whenever something is asked of him.”
Kevin Fox has a flair for the culinary arts, a positive outlook and good grades. He was nominated for the award by Renee Vleisides.

Fox hopes to become a chef. Alyssa Kalei Cook’s service to others is what earned her nomination by Vleisides.

“Kalei is a very well-rounded young lady and works tirelessly with her church youth group, volunteer organizations, sports activities and part-time jobs,” Vleisides wrote.

At Hazelwood Middle School, Tammy Rayburn nominated Taylor Jackson for his efforts as he transitioned from elementary to middle school. “He has adjusted to all the new people, a different building, different classes and new routines with amazing ease,” Rayburn wrote.

The students will be among those honored during an SSD student awards banquet April 29 at the St. Louis Marriott West.


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