Stymied in Seattle: Play Calling was Horrendous

By Randy Gardner

The dream comes to an end as the St. Louis Rams traveled to Seattle on the National Stage on Sunday Night Football and laid an egg. That’s about the only way to put it, as the play calling was horrendous.

Randy Gardner photo**

The Rams only threw the ball downfield about six times the entire game. They also got away from the run game that has been so successful all year with Steven Jackson. When they did go downfield with the ball, every receiver dropped the ball. This was one of the most frustrating games I’ve watched with this Rams team in a long time.

At least in years past, you knew they were going to lose. This year, you thought they might have a chance. No Luck.

Looking back at the season

though, I think many would say including myself that the Rams overachieved. I predicted 8-8, just shy of my mark.

Next year though, I think the Rams have all of the makings of a contender, except at the wide receiver position. We need someone who can stay healthy and can catch a ball. I really like Danny Amendola though, this guy was a find and even though he is small, he made some great plays for this Rams team. Going into the last week of the season he was leading the NFL in all-purpose yards, pretty impressive.

Even NCAA is  All About the Money

How about all of the controversy surrounding the college football season? Just another way that the NCAA and the players can screw up a perfectly good thing. There have been so many bone-headed problems with both sides.

Players selling memorabilia, getting caught with drugs, and many other things, and then there is the NCAA, which just decides arbitrarily what players and teams will face immediate penalties and then which ones will fall over into next year. (Ohio State!)

They are all over the board with these, decisions made on which ones will make the NCAA money in their pocket or which ones will take it out. Isn’t it a shame in life that at the root of everything, after everything is peeled back, it’s still  all about the money?

I am not the only person who has these feelings. What has happened in this world with pride and working hard to achieve something? Everybody wants everything overnight and worst of all they think they just deserve it and should be handed things.

People who are successful work long and hard at getting to where they are and they deserve everything that they get.

Looking at some of these athletes who make a ton of money, sure it seems like they just got it handed to them but there are years of sweat and developing their skills to get to where they are.

Finally, National Championship BCS talk, I say that Oregon will pull a major upset and beat Cam Newton and the Tigers of Auburn. It will be a great game and I am looking so forward to it. I think the TV ratings will be high for this one. The ratings could be higher for the entire BCS series if they attached a playoff structure to it, but that’s a story for a whole other column.

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