Switch of the Channel Puts New Reflection On Life and Families

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

Life is funny sometimes and other times it is down right cruel. I just sat down on Monday night in front of my home computer to write my column about Sundays big game and how it wasn’t what most people thought it would be.

But instead, I first I clicked on an internet story about a father leaving an emotional video to his daughter as he is dying with cancer. It was the most heart wrenching moments I have felt in a long time. It really puts into perspective what is really truly meaningful in life.

Is it the trash talker in football that thinks he is better than everyone else, is it the person who needs the shiny new car to make them feel better than everyone else, is it the person that bullies another?

It is shameful that we are like this as a society and if we look deep down inside, we all do it at some time or another. This video made me stop and think about how precious life is every second of every day.

An amazing statement that was made was that at least he knows he is going to die and is preparing himself for it by saying goodbye. He said all of us are dying, we just don’t know when. This reinforces the statement I always make, that is to be true to yourself and live your life like it is the last one you have, love like it is your last day.

So as we sat around the water cooler and talk about the game and what happened, remember life is a big thing and there are so many negative things happening around us at every moment. Take the time to be good, be good to others, be a mentor for no other reason than helping someone else. A smile can go a long way.

No Doubt Seahawks were Best Team

Some people party like there is no tomorrow for the Super Bowl and others like myself sit at home with their family and watch it solo.  Either way is great but to enjoy yourself and your surroundings is what it is all about. I did do some yelling at the TV but I really think the best team won.

The Seahawks totally dominated every aspect of the game. They came to play. Defense can really win in the NFL even though all of the rules are stacked against you.

Even though I talked bad about Sherman and the Seahawks after their last game, I was really impressed with their team and will give them credit for playing unbelievable in this game. I was also really impressed with their level of professionalism.

The story line was great for Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson as he attended last year’s Super Bowl as a visitor and soaked it all in so when he had the chance to play in the big game he would be ready. I think it worked.

I think life is like this too, Sometimes you have to live in the moment and put yourself where you want to be before it happens and when you get in that moment you can understand it better. I do this when I am nervous about doing something. I put myself In the situation in my mind. It works in life and in sports.

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