Hazelwood Northwest Middle School Students Accepted to St. Louis All Suburban Orchestra


STUDENTS SELECTED FOR ALL-SUBURBAN ORCHESTRA: Tejiri Agbigbe, Dylan Pender and Abby Rice of Hazelwood Northwest Middle School are members of the St. Louis All Suburban Middle School Orchestra. Agbigbe plays the cello; Pender plays the double bass; and Rice plays the violin. They are the only students in the orchestra representing Hazelwood School District this year.

The St. Louis All Suburban Middle School Orchestra includes three students from Hazelwood Northwest Middle School, Dylan Pender, Tejiri Agbigbe and Abby Rice. The students auditioned among others from schools throughout the St. Louis area. They are the only students to represent the Hazelwood School District this year.

Pender, an eighth-grader, plays the double bass; Agbigbe, eighth-grade, plays the cello; and Rice, a seventh-grader, plays the violin. Agbigbe auditioned and performed with the orchestra last year.

Monica Holy, music teacher at Hazelwood Northwest Middle, said the orchestra is the “top group in St. Louis for middle school” students. She described the orchestra’s purpose as to play harder music, play with a distinguished conductor, learn new techniques, meet accomplished musicians and become part of the St. Louis string community.

The expectations of the orchestra are high, and students must audition each year.

“Most of the students who audition for this

group take private lessons,” said Holy. “Two of the three students who made the group from our school do not take private lessons, which is even more impressive. It was just a lot of hard work after school.”

“Their acceptance into the orchestra says they represent the best musicians in middle school and in St. Louis,” said Holy.

Pender was nervous about the audition, but said what got him through it is the quote, “Live in today and don’t worry about what happens tomorrow.”

Rice is thrilled to be a member of the orchestra. “My mom didn’t think I was going to make it because the competition was so hard. She was so excited that I actually made it as a seventh-grader,” she said.

Agbigbe offers advice to her fellow orchestra members. “You will be overwhelmed when you get to the orchestra because of all of the good talent. Just remember that you made it and you should be very proud.”

The All Suburban Middle School Orchestra will have a performance in January 2011.

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