St. Andrew’s Methodist Celebrates 45th Anniversary

St. Andrew’s Methodist Church, 3975 N. Highway 67, in Florissant, known for its diversity, celebrated its 45th anniversary over the weekend with several events.

On Saturday, a  pot luck dinner was held followed by a musical review. On Sunday, a special service was held and a new renovated worship area was dedicated.

The church’s original founders wanted a multi-ethnic church, welcoming all races, mixed marriages and the disabled, which wasn’t the norm 45 years ago. Today, the Sunday service could includes Gospel, blues, Bach or even rock ‘n. Roll. The church has had male and female co-pastors, with African-American Pastor Monica Jefferson hosting the weekend celebration. She said the theme this year was “Alive at 45 and Still Growing.”

The early congregation met at what is now Keeven Elementary School and also has services at St. Angela Merici Catholic Church. Priests and rabbis have performed services for them.

St. Andrew’s now has a building designed for the disabled. The church’s community outreach program includes a day care center and hosting Cub Pack 942, one of the oldest packs in North County.

The mission remains to reach out to the community and “seek the de-churched,” as Pastor Jefferson said.

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