Hazelwood Central Hosts Gateway District Student Council Convention

For nearly a year, members of the Student Council at Hazelwood Central High School have been planning and organizing in preparation for the Gateway District Student Council Convention on Saturday, Oct. 30.

From 8 a.m. to 2: p.m., approximately 1,000 students from 32 middle and high schools were  involved in assemblies and workshops focused on leadership and building stronger student councils. The theme is “Film Fest: Showing Leadership On and Off the Big Screen.”

Hazelwood Central High earned the responsibility in late fall of 2009 after being elected as president of the Gateway District. The Gateway District serves councils in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and St. Charles and Jefferson counties. It is open to public and private middle, junior and senior high schools.

Justin  Cutts and Andrew Wendel, seniors, were actively involved in planning the convention. Cutts is the president of Student Council and Wendel is the committee chair. They shared their thoughts on the challenges of hosting the event.

“The officer schools came  to help us with set up and decorations the night before,” said Wendel. The supporting schools are Fort Zumwalt East High School, first vice-president; Parkway Northeast Middle School, second vice-president; and Wentzville Timberland High School, secretary.

“The keynote speaker, Harlan Hodges, will incorporate the theme into his message,” said Cutts.

The convention is expensive to host. The Gateway District will provide $8,000 toward the cost. “We will use about $3,000 of our Student Council money for the event,” Cutts said.

Katie Wayne, English teacher and co-advisor to HCHS Student Council, has worked with the students to keep them organized and ready for the convention.

“I think the students were excited to be able to show other schools in the Gateway District just how much spirit and enthusiasm they have for Student Council. They have been looking forward to this ever since they decided to run for the position of president. I know one of their main goals is to prove that Hazelwood Central High School is a place that produces leaders,” Wayne said.

“I believe this opportunity reflects the leadership of Student Council at Hazelwood Central because if the program didn’t attract students who are strong leaders that care about their school and want to make a difference, we never would’ve been elected president of Gateway. The fact that other schools in Gateway respond so positively to the students of HCHS and respect them speaks volumes about the members of our Student Council,” Wayne said.

“We have a sense of excitement because we are seeing all of our hard work come together,” said Cutts of the coming weekend.

This is the first time Hazelwood Central High School has held the role of president of the Gateway District. Offices are selected at the annual event.

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