Board Invites Input for Superintendent Search

The Hazelwood School District Board of Education (BOE) is asking for community input for their superintendent search. Currently the process is approaching the second round of interviews for candidates. To foster a sense of inclusion and obtain much potentially valuable information from the community as well as Hazelwood parents, the BOE has scheduled forums for the week of March 28 where parents and members of the community can come and express their impressions of the various candidates and offer feedback.

Three Sessions To Be Held

The three sessions will be held Tuesday through Thursday, March 29-31, at the Hazelwood East Early Childhood Education Center, 12555 Partridge Run, and will last from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Those who wish to participate in this effort to promote parent and community engagement in the selection of the final candidates for Superintendent of Hazelwood Schools must select just one session and have an RSVP for entry to the forum. The space is limited and this will allow as many members of the community as possible to take part in the process.

Community members will not be ranking, choosing, or voting on candidates, since the selection process is the exclusive responsibility of the BOE. Questions can be provided to the Board in advance. The Board will then compile them and present them during the discussion to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.

Questions that cannot be asked are those related directly or indirectly to aspects of the candidates’ backgrounds that are prohibited by federal law and, often, state law. Included would be questions regarding religion, race, national origin, age, sex or sexual preferences, marital or family status, disabilities, criminal record, and financial affairs.

RSVP and Question Procedure

To RSVP or to submit a question, parents and community members are asked to visit the site and click on the link that is provided in the community forum for superintendent search letter. Alternatively, they can call the RSVP phone line at 314-953-7669.

The Hazelwood BOE is hoping that these forums will be useful in this critical decision. Community and parent engagement continues to be a valuable tradition in the district and reflects concern for the well-being of all Hazelwood District students and schools.




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