Florissant To Enter Lease Agreement For Cingular Cell Tower

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council passed a bill  that will allow the city to enter into a lease agreement with Cingular Wireless for the lease of a portion of Bangert Park for the placement of a new cellular tower.

The new tower would be near the existing tower in the park. The new tower would also be a flag pole tower. The tenant would fly a US flag and a state flag.

Councilman Keith Schildroth said he worked with the mayor to negotiate with Cingular for the tower.

“We had to bump up the rates,” Schildroth said, saying that the city asked for more money in fees than Cingular originally offered.

Schildroth said the lease agreement calls for payment of $30,000 for years 1-5, with the possibility of going up to $60,000 in years 20-25, if the city renews the lease.

Mayor Robert Lowery said that Cingular had provided what the city required. “They’ve come through with all we’ve asked,” he said, “rent, upkeep and maintenance.” Cingular with maintain both the flags and the landscaping.

City Seeks to Regulate Donation Boxes

The council held a first reading on a bill that will regulate donation boxes, the large boxes for clothes donations.  The bill would require anyone placing a box to secure a permit from the city.

The fee for the permit would be $15. At a previous meeting, the council discusses the need for regulation due to the proliferation of boxes in the city.

The bill would also limit the size of the boxes to ten by ten feet, require that the company that owns the box display its name and phone number on the box, and prohibits advertising on the box.

In other matters, the council:

• Approved two liquor licenses. The first is for Circle K, located at 1545 S. New Florissant Road. The second is for Majik Mart, located at 12779 New Halls Ferry Road.

• Passed a resolution supporting a grant application for an observation deck for the Nature Lodge at Sunset Park. A new natural trail at park was dedicated recently.

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