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Friday, Oct. 8
The Fall Book Sale, hosted by FLIERS (Friends of Ferguson Library) will be held from 3-6:30 p.m. and again Saturday, Oct. 9 from 9-3:30 at the Ferguson Library auditorium, 35 No. Florissant Road.
Saturday, Oct. 9
Back Stoppers benefit will be held from 7 p.m.-midnight at the Florissant Elks Lodge, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. Tickets are $20 per person and includes a dance, silent auction, raffle, draft beer and soda. Food will also be available. For tickets, call Jim at 314-791-6811.
VFW Post 4105 Fall Festival will be during the Old Town Fall festival from 11-4 at the post home, 4105 rue St. Francois, featuring barbecue pulled pork meal, raffle baskets and free flags for kids.
Trivia Night at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, 2650 Parker Road, Florissant. Trivia, Raffle, Prizes, and more. Beer, soda and salty snacks Included for $120 per table of 8 ($15/per person) paid in advance. Call Cara at 314-972-0846 or online to
Sunday, Oct. 10
VFW Post 4105 pulled pork dinner with corn on the cobb, baked beans, live bagpipe music, raffle, free flags during the Old Town Fall Festival.
Tuesday, Oct. 12
An Active Mind is a Healthy Mind, presented by Dr. Roxanne Delcau, Geriatric Cognition authority, will be presented at 6 p.m. at DeSmet Retirement Community, 1425 N. New Florissant Rd. Florissant. To RSVP call Rachel at 838-381.
The Adult Club of Florissant meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. at the James J. Eagan Center. (Norman Loeb, 314-921-0037)
Alzheimer’s Association Support Group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at First Christian Church of Florissant, 2890 Patterson Rd. (Mary 314-831-3750)
Oktoberfest Happy Hour, Oct. 12, 11:30 a.m., St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. Entertainment by Larry and his Accordion. Complimentary lunch (RSVP 314-838-3877)
Thursday, Oct. 14
Tai Chi for Seniors, Oct. 14, 21 and 28, at 10:30 a.m., at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St.(RSVP 314-838-3877)
Low Vision Care Seminar presented by Low Vision Works will be held on Oct. 14 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. (RSVP 314-838-3877)
St. Marks Fashions for Food clothing sale, 315 Graham Road, 8:30-11 a.m. All proceeds go to local food pantries. Sale is held on the second Thursday of each month. (837-9404)
Friday, Oct. 15
A Fall Music Recital will be held from 7- 10 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Parish Hall, 33 N. Clay, Ferguson. Bring a favorite dessert to share with others. For more information, visit or on Facebook at The Strings Attached project.
Steak fry is held on the third Friday of the month, 5-7 p.m., at VFW Post 4105, 410 rue St. Francois.
Saturday, Oct. 16
Antiques and Collectibles Sale will be held from 8-2 at First Presbyterian Church, 401 Darst, Ferguson in the Fellowship Hall. No clothing available.
Trivia Night, hosted by C.H.A.M.P. Assistance Dogs, Inc., will be at the James J. Eagan Civic Center. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., questions begin at 6:30 p.m. Tables of 10 people are $20 per person. 1st prize is $300. Refreshments provided while supplies last, or bring your own Register at or call 314-653-9466.