Florissant Park Board Asks City For Help at Skate Park

By Carol Arnett

Members of the Florissant Park Board came before the city council last week to tell the council what they have been discussing about issues at  the skate board park in Dunegant Park and to ask the council and administration for more information,

The Park board has been working with a group of skate boarders and their parents to discuss some issues that have arisen at the park. There is concern that the park is not lit well, making it easy to vandalize.  The board said that some kids have bought their own black paint to paint over graffiti. Also mentioned were kids not using helmets, and problem kids.

The Park Board, Mayor Robert Lowery, and approximately 35 parents and kids met in September to discuss the skate park. Lowery explained that the city does not have the funding to have a ranger on duty at all times, or to put up more lights.

The Park Board asked the council and administration for some items the board felt were necessary to make an informed decision about the park.  The board requested a maintenance schedule, with costs, for the skate park, police reports about the park and all of Dunegant Park, vandalism reports, cost estimates of moving the skate park to another area of the city, and estimates of the number of residents who use the skate park.

The board reminded the council in their report, “If the city doesn’t have a skate park, the city is the skate park.”

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