State of Missouri Settles Litigation Filed by City of Florissant

Mayor Robert G. Lowery, Sr. of the City of Florissant has announced that the State of Missouri has agreed to settle litigation filed by Florissant.

The State of Missouri collects all taxes levied on motor vehicle fuel taxes, motor vehicle sales taxes, and motor vehicle fee increases and for a number of years has not distributed the correct amount of taxes ($813,089.01) to Florissant. After numerous attempts by Mayor Lowery, John Hessel, City Attorney and Randal McDaniel, Director of Finance, the City found it necessary to file litigation. The suit has been settled and the City of Florissant will be receiving $33,878.71 monthly over a 24 month period starting October 2010.

Mayor Lowery said, “I am very pleased to finally settle this litigation and these funds will most assuredly, in these troubled times, help the operation of our City.  I give my special thanks to our City Attorney, the Director of Finance and to the Honorable Chris Koster, Attorney General, and several other members of the Governor’s staff who helped bring this to a conclusion benefitting the City of Florissant and its residents.

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