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Thursday, Sept. 23
Senior Police Academy at Garden Villas North, 4505 Parker Road,at 1 p.m. will offer an interesting presentation by the St. Louis County Police on the Metro Air Support Helicopter Unit. Call 314-355-6100.
Saturday, Sept. 25
Tailgate sale every Saturday through October, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Bethel United Church of Christ, 14700 New Halls Ferry Rd. (838-7853 or 831-2819)
Ice cream social will be held at noon, at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. Entertainment provided by Evelyn Wyrozynski. R.S.V.P by calling 314-838-3877.
Sunday, Sept. 26
Bingo is held every Sunday, 1-4:30 p.m., at the American Legion Post 444, Jamestown Road (2 1/2 miles north of Jamestown Mall) Food and refreshments available. (314-741-7786)
Meet Shoots every Sunday through Nov. 21 at the noon at the American Legion Post 444, 17090 Old Jamestown Road (2 1/2 miles north of Jamestown Mall) Food and refreshments available. (314-741-7786)
Meat shoots every Sunday through Dec. 19 (closed Dec. 5) from noon-dusk at Florissant Elks, 16400 New Halls Ferry Road. Food and drinks. (314-921-2316.)
Tuesday, Sept. 28
Free blood pressure checks, 1:30-3:30 p.m., at The Villa at Riverwood, #1 Pratt Place (located in the Riverwood Estates Subdivision off Howdershell Road.) R.S.V.P. by calling 314-839-5000.
Happy Hour will begin at 10:45 a.m. at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. Entertainment will be provided by Dori Abel. A complimentary lunch will follow. R.S.V.P by calling 314-838-3877.
Senior dances are held every Tuesday at the Savoy in Downtown Ferguson, from 7-9:45 p.m. Admission is $7. Music by the “Starlighters.” For information, call 521-2688 or 521-7986.
Wednesday, Sept. 29
Fall Festival, 1-4 p.m., at The Villa at Riverwood, #1 Pratt Place (located in the Riverwood Estates Subdivision off Howdershell Road.) Food, entertainment, booths, seminars, prizes and give-aways. R.S.V.P. to: 314-839-5000.
Northminster Church, 1570 Chambers Road in Dellwood will be holding a dvd study series on “The History of Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years” based on a book by Oxford Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch. The study will be from 10-11:30 a.m. at the church and will continue for 12 sessions. Call (314) 867-2881, email: nminsterstl@yahoo.com or go online at www.nminsterstl.org.
Wednesday, Sept. 29
Old Town Wednesday Night Out, presented by The City of Florissant and Florissant Old Town Partners, Inc., will be held from 6-9 p.m. featuring music by Luke Queen and also a Jazz Trio on St. Denis St. in front of Hendel’s Market Café. There will be a raffle for a gift basket from Hendel’s containing wine, a gift certificate and more.
Thursday, Sept. 30
A fall prevention program will be presented by the American Red Cross at 9:30 a.m. A complimentary breakfast will be served at 9 a.m. at St. Catherine Retirement Community, 3350 St. Catherine St. R.S.V.P by calling 314-838-3877.
Friday, Oct. 1
Fish fry will be held at St. Rose Phillippine Duchesne School, 3500 St. Catherine St. on Oct. 1, Nov. 5 and Dec. 3, from 4-7 p.m. (314-837-3410)
Saturday, Oct. 2
Basement/Breakfast/Tailgate sale is held on the first Saturday of every month (except April) at Northside Christian Church, 9635 Hwy. 367. Basement/tailgate, 8 a.m.-noon; breakfast, 8-10:30 a.m. (314-868-5722)
Tailgate sale every Saturday through October, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Bethel United Church of Christ, 14700 New Halls Ferry Rd. (838-7853 or 831-2819)
Sunday, Oct. 3
St. Louis Jazz Club presents the St. Louis Jazz All-Stars, from 2-5 p.m., at the Doubletree Hotel, 1973 Craigshire Rd. Door opens at 1:15. Admission is $10 for members, $15 for non-members, and students with a valid ID are free. Tickets are available at the door. Free parking.
Wednesday, Oct. 6
Garden Villa North bingo will be held every Wednesday in October at 10 a.m., 4505 Parker Rd. Free. Reservations are required. Call 314-355-6100.
Friday, Oct. 8
The Fall Book Sale, hosted by FLIERS (Friends of Ferguson Library) will be held from 3-6:30 p.m. and again Saturday, Oct. 9 from 9-3:30 at the Ferguson Library auditorium, 35 No. Florissant Road.
Saturday, Oct. 9
Back Stoppers benefit will be held from 7 p.m.-midnight at the Florissant Elks Lodge, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. Tickets are $20 per person and includes a dance, silent auction, raffle, draft beer and soda. Food will also be available. For tickets, call Jim at 314-791-6811.