Black Jack Sewer Lateral Issue on Aug. 3rd Ballot

The Black Jack City Council recently approved a ballot issue  for Aug. 3rd primary elections to change the wording of the current Sewer Lateral fee. If approved, the fee cannot be more than what is currently charged, but can be adjusted by the city council to a lower yearly fee.

The Sewer Lateral issue on the Aug 3rd ballot, to be listed as a Proposition, if approved by voters will give the city council the ability to have flexibility in adjusting the yearly sewer lateral rate. The current yearly rate is $28. The ballot measure, if approved by the voters, will still cap the rate at $28, but will give the city council the flexibility to assess a rate between zero and $28.

Mayor Norman McCourt said, “This change will allow taxpayers to keep funds that are not currently needed by the city to support the program”.

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